Asian Century, The: A History of Modern Nationalism in Asia

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1016562 Item available
Book Section
Creators & Publishers
University of California Press
Part of Stetson Kennedy Library

This extraordinary volume provides a tightly written account of a historic development that may be regarded as unique in three respects-in its vast sweep, its speed in relation to its significance, and the magnitude of its results.  "The  Awakening of Asia" in 1900,  the book describes chronologically the rise of nationalist forces in most of Asia, ranging from Soviet and Southwest Asia (including Egypt) to South, Southeast and East Asia.

Mr. Romein's account, which is both descriptive and analytical, will have an appeal for those readers--and particularly for historians, political scientists and sociologists--who are interested in learning how a prominent European historian views the forces of nationalism that have reshaped Asian politics in the course of only two generations.  The book should be of value as well to students who seek an expert, integrated sketch of the main outlines of recent Asian history.