Who Built America? Working People & the Nation's Economy, Politics, Culture & Society Vol.1

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Pantheon Books
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Volume 1: From Conquest & Colonization Through Reconstruction & The Great Uprising of 1877

Who Built America? is about working Americans-artisans, servants, slaves, farm families, laborers, women working in the home, factory hands, and office clerks-who played crucial roles in shaping modern America: what they thought, what they did, and what happened to them.

The central focus of this two-volume history of the United States is the changing nature of the work that built, sustained, and transformed American society over the course of almost four centuries. It depicts they ways working people affected and were affected by the economic, social, cultural, and political processes that together make up the national experience.

Volume One takes the reader through the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the great railroad strike of 1877.

-(Summary excerpted from the back cover of Who Built America? Vol 2.)-