Odds One Out

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1019574 Item available
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ODD ONES OUT documents four years in the courageous lives of three transgender teens, Naomi, David and Tot, as they transition into adulthood and face life-altering events. Family intolerance, abuse, homelessness, sex work, violence and harassment in their schools and community are only the backdrop for a dramatic story of acceptance and rejection, identity and change. Through candid verité footage and home video diaries, ODD ONES OUT is a unique and intimate look at the most tender time in the lives of these three young people as they struggle with the universal search for self and of being found. It's a coming of age story about trying to fit in while fighting against society's rigid boundaries. With Naomi, David and Tot, you will reconsider the definitions of male and female and then discard them as you grow closer to three teenagers who just want to grow up.