Man from Scottsboro, The: Clarence Norris and the Infamous 1931 Alabama Rape Trial in His Own Words

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1006363 Item available
Book Section
Creators & Publishers
McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers
Regular item

Scottsboro is the story of American justice at work--albeit the peculiar and perverse southern variety of justice in the 1930s and 1940s.  It provides insights into the psychosexual social pathology that would seek to burn nine young black men (seven of whom were teenagers) either on the lynch mob's fiery pyre or in the state of Alabama;s electric chair, basing its justificastion on the strength of two white women hoboes' unsubstantiated and unfounded claims of rape, even after one of these women recanted her testimony.  Mr. Norris and Dr. Kinshasa worked together to provide an unusual and up-close, inside look at a case that drew worldwide attention and that formed the basis for an international movement calling for the freedom of the Scottsboro youths.  This movement counted in its ranks hundreds of thousands of supporters from all walks of life, from unknown peasants in the far-flung corners of the globe to Thamas Mann, Theodore Dreiser, Albert Einstein, and other greats and near greats.1