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5th edition
Some returned Peace Corps volunteers believe that U.S. foreign policy has been more damaging than helpful in the Third World. They question the links between U.S. foreign and military policy and the Peace Corps. This book addresses such questions and brings together resources and information that will help the prospective volunteer find an appropriate placement: one that is supportive of indigenous, community-based development. The first portion of the book deals with identifying and clarifying the motives for volunteering; examines the types of placement, including organized volunteer programs, work exchange programs, and exposure tours; and presents common questions regarding finance, technical skills, affiliation or commitment requirements of church agencies, and possibilities for paid service. The importance of evaluating an organization before signing up is stressed. Approximately 80 organizations are listed that were selected for a common approach to combating poverty, one that emphasizes support of grassroots efforts to empower poor people. Many programs listed involve living and working in rural areas and on small farms, in the United States as well as abroad, and there are organizations that work with Native American communities as well. An index of organizations and lists of related guidebooks, publications on travel and tourism, resources for finding jobs in development, and other "Food First" publications are included. Fifth edition