
11023 books

Title Author Keywords Year
"Everyday Life", XCP 7 XCP Cross Cultural Poetics 2000
"Heal Thyself"" Managing Health Care Reform Armstrong, Pat, Hugh Armstrong, et al Canada, health care reform 2000
"Human Rights" and American Foreign Policy Chomsky, Noam capitalism, Vietnamese Conflict, Carter Administration 1978
"Just" Poetry Block, Margaret America, China, poems, Vote 2012
(Dedicadas, The: A Chapbook) Addo, Reinfred Dziedzorm black poetry, American Poets 2021
(Washed Over... or, Things Dedicated) Dziedzorm Addo, Reinfred Human Rights, Ghana, Immigration, Environment 2022
09/11 Chomsky, Noam United States History, current events, Sept. 11 2001
10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Army Weill-Greenberg, Elizabeth 2006
10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Military Weill-Greenberg, Elizabeth 2006
10 Reasons to Abolish the IMF and World Bank Danaher, Kevin, Mittal, Anuradha (foreword) World Bank, IMF, WTO, globalization 2001
10 Steps to Repair American Democracy Hill, Steven 2006
100 Ways America Is Screwing Up The World Tirman, John 2006
101 Changemakers: Rebels and Radicals Who Changed U.S. History Bollinger, Michael, Tran, Dao X. U.S. History 2012
101 Reasons Why We're Doomed; A Cynic's Guide To What's Left Of The Future Anthony, Meredith, Cagan, Richard, Light, Larry, Power, Alison 1993
12 Million Black Voices Wright, Richard Photography, harlem, 1930's, race and ethnicity, collection of essays 1941
12-Step Horror Stories: True Tales of Misery, Betrayal, and Abuse in AA, NA and 12-step Treatment Fransway, Rebecca 2000
12-Year Reich, The: A Social History of Nazi Germany 1933-1945 Grunberger, Richard World War II, Adolf Hitler 1972
1212 McDonnell, Kathleen 2006
1491: New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus Mann, Charles G. 2011
1491: New Revelations Of The Americas Before Columbus Mann, Charles C. 2006
1492 What is it Like to be Discovered Small, Deborah 1991
151 Best Movies You've Never Seen Maltin, Leonard 2010
1848: The Revolutionary Tide in Europe Stearns, Peter Revolution, European History, 1848 1974
1877: Year of Violence Bruce, Robert V. 1977 railroad strike, labor riots 1958
18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, The Marx, Karl 1975
19 and 20: Notes for a New Insurrection Colectivos Situaciones, Blair, Jay, Kanuga, Malav, Shukaitis, Stevphen 2021
19 Varieties of Gazelle Nye, Naomi Shihab 1994
1919: Poems Ewing, Eve L. 2019
1939-1945: Haunted by Images: Drawings and Commentary on the Holocaust Kujawski, Benjamin 2004
1968: A Student Generation in Revolt Fraser, Ronald Student movements, student activism, college student 1988
1984 Revisited : Totalitarianism in Our Century Howe, Irving, Howe, Irving America, government 1983
1992 and All That: Civil Liberties in the Balance Spencer, Michael 1992
2/15 the day the world said no to war Koch, Connie iraq war protest worldwide 2003
20 Years of Censored News Jensen, Carl, Project Censored 1997
20th Century Hate Groups in the 21st Century Freeman, Chris
21st Century Capitalism Heilbroner, Robert L. 1993
25-year war : America's military role in Vietnam /, The Palmer, Bruce 1984
25 Years of Dissent: An American Tradition Howe, Irving 1979
25 Years On the Move 1996
$30,000 Solution, the: A Guaranteed Annual Income for Every American Schutz, Robert R. 1996
36 Children Kohl, Herbert Education, children, urban education, alternative education, schools, teachers 1967
365 Days Glasser, Ronald J. 1972
3: Collected Works by Robnoxious Robert Earl Sutter III, aka Robnoxious 2008
40 Stories Barthelme, Donald 1987
49th Parallel Psalm Compton, Wayde 19th century, African American migration, poetry collection, Black Canadians 1999
50 Things You're Not Supposed To Know Kick, Russ 2003
50 Ways To Fight Censorship: and Important Facts to Know About the Censors Marsh, Dave 1991
50 Years is Enough: The Case Against the World Bank & the International Monetary Fund Danaher, Kevin, ed. World Bank, trade, IMF, globalization, structural adjustment 1994
500 Years of Revolution: European Radicals from Hus to Lenin George, Charles H. 1998
500,000 Azaleas: The Selected Poems Efrain Huerta Huerta, Efrain Mexican poetry 2001