Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works: Vol. 7 Marx and Engels 1848-

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The articles and reports written by Marx and Engels and published in the New-York Daily Tribune, The People's Paper and other newspapers.  The articles "Hirsch's Confessions" and "David Urquhart", and the satirical pamphlet The Knight of the Noble Consciousness, are published in English for  the first time.

During this year, 1853-54, Marx and Engelscarried on journalistic activity centred upon three major topics of interest- the economic condition of European countries, notably Britain, and the prospects for a new advance of the democratic and proletarian movements, the industrial struggle of the workingclass and the attempt to revive the Chartist movement; the colonial policies of the capitalist powers and the national liberation movements of the oppressed peoles; and problems of international relations, especially the contradictionsamong European powers in the Middle East and the Balkan, which led to the Crimean War.  The Eastern questionis dealt with in an extended series of articles.

The Appendix in this volume contains Marx's notes on the views of the US economist Carey.  These notes consist of extracts from Marx's letters to his comrade Adolph Cluss, which the latter worked into hisarticle, "'The Best Paper in the Union' and Its 'Best Men' and Poli5tical Economists" (Published  Die Reform).  These notes, too, are published in English for the first time.