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For those who knew him personally, or even only from his public appearances or his work, Mayakovsky meant life.
I find it easy to identify "life" with its amazingly deep, bell-like voice. The rhythm of Mayakovsky's readings or even of his conversation was invariably calm and measured, he was powerful indeed.
Yes, this was a source of power of inexhaustible vitality, in total control of itself, in the grips of a strong will. This was life in one of its extreme manifestations.
Each time I open a book by Mayakovsky, at whatever page, life rushes at me in an impetuous flood: a bright light, merciless to lovers of darkness, hits at one from the pages, the blinding beam of a search-light.
In 1985, Raduga Publishers are bringing out in English a three-volume Selected Works of Vladimir Mayakovsky, the poet of the Revolution whose "power, tenderness, and fury", to quote Pablo Neruda, "have remained unsurpassed in modern poetry."
The edition will consist of the following: Volume 1, Selected Verse; Volume 2, Longer Poems; Volume 3, Plays, Articles, Essays. Volume 1 contains an outline of the poet's life and work by Aleander Ushakov. Each volume is supplied with Notes.
The present edition includes new poems in addition to earlier published translations of Mayakovsky's work which have been highly appreciated by the foreign press and readers.