Castro, Fidel

Primary creator references

Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
Title Type Section
Cold War: Warnings for a Unipolar World Item: Book Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Declaraciones de la Habana y de Santiago Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Fidel Castro Speaks Item: Book Biography
Fidel y la Religion: Conversaciones con Frei Betto Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
History Will Absolve Me Item: Book Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Nothing can Stop the Course of History Item: Book Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Our Sovereignty Will not be surrendered, Nor is it negotiable! Item: Book Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Second Declaration of Havana, The: with the First Declaration of Havana : Cuba's 1962 manifesto of revolutionary struggle in the Americas Item: Book Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Statement On Drug Trafficking Item: Book Latin American and Caribbean Studies
To Speak the Truth Item: Book Latin American and Caribbean Studies
U.S. Hands Off The Mideast!: Cuba Speaks Out At The United Nations Item: Book Middle Eastern Studies
World Crisis: Its Economic and Social Impact on the Underdeveloped Countries, The Item: Book Economics and Business

Other creator references