Anarcho-Syndicalist Review (ASR)

Barcode Library status Notes
1000206 Reference only
Regular item
Periodical Types

"Principles of Revolutionary Syndicalism I. Revolutionary Syndicalism, basing itself on the class struggle, seeks to establish the unity and solidarity of all manual and intellectual workers into economic organizations fighting for the abolition of both the wage system and the Staghanization and emancipation of labor".

....seeks to establish the unity and solidarity of all manual and intellectual workers into economic organizations fighting for the abolition of both the wage system and the State...



Issues in stock
2000: Spr, Sum, Win
2001: Spr, Sum, Win
2002: Spr, Fall
2003: Spr
2004: Sum, Win
2007: Sum #47
2008: Win/Spr, Sum #48/49, 50
2009: Win, Sum #51, 52
2010: Win, Sum #53, 54
2011: Win, Sum #55, 56
2012: Sum #58
2013: Win, Sum #59, 60
2014: Win, Sum #61, 62
2015: Win, Sum #63, 64