Connect - to the Fight Against Discrimination & Racism

Barcode Library status Notes
1000434 Reference only
Regular item
Periodical Types
Description Published by the International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination & Racism (IMADR),  agroup founded in Japan with offices in North America,Latin America, Europe and Asia "working to protect and promote the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples as well as other vulnerable groupsin societies around the world"

Issues in stock
Oct/Dec 99, Spr 00, Sum 00, Win 00, Spr 01, Sum 01, Fall 01, Win 01, Spr 02, Sum 02, Fall 02, Spr 03, Fall 03, Special Issue 03, Feb 04, Apr 04, Aug 04, Feb 05, Nov 05, Feb 06, Sept 06, Dec 06, Feb 07, April 07, June 07, Sept 07, Dec 07, March 08, June 0