
Barcode Library status Notes
1019745 Item available
Video Types
Creators & Publishers
Other creator
Production Company
Act Now Productions
Length (in minutes)

Through breathtaking cinematography, gritty action and starkly honest storytelling, "Rank" paints the portrait of three professional bull riding champions.  Justin McBride, a third-generation bull rider, Mike Lee, a newcomer and born again Christian, and 34 year-old Brazilian champion Adriano Moraes tell the stories of their relationships to the sport, to the livestock, and the fatal risks they take daily to do what they love.  The pull between human and beast, the balance with the natural world, and the theme of the American Western are fleshed out against the backdrop of the high intensity PBR World Finals.


Also included are two short films, one by Stefan Quinth called "Deadly Passion: Tragedy in Katmai," which looks at the 2003 bear mauling of Timothy Treadwell in Alaska, and another which is an interview from "Nobelity" with Wangari Matthai, who discusses the determination of African women involved in the Green Belt Movement.