
186 videos

Title Director Other creator Producer Keywords Year
Let Iraq Live, by Gloria LaRiva. Int'l Action Center LaRiva, Gloria-International Action Center 1
Line in the Sand, A 9
Making of Michael Collins; BBC: McGuinness and Maginnis
Michael Moore: book tv 10/10/03
Military on Campus, The Center for Defense Information 1992
Monkey Business
Moyers Public Mind--Consuming Images. [also, Moyers Public Mind--Leading Questions] Moyers, Bill
Moyers Public Mind--Leading Questions Moyers, Bill
Mumia Abu-Jamal 3 Segments death row, repression, political prisoners, Mumia Abu-Jamal
Mumia Abu-Jamal HBO Documentary tape HBO prison, death row, Mumia Abu-Jamal
Nader's Pres. Nomination Acceptance speech, & closing ceremony
New Harvest, Old Shame - Migrant Farm Workers Frontline
New Resource Wars, The; Native and Environmental Struggles Against Corporations
No Wall: Three Video Documentaries of israli and palestinian resistance to the separation barrier IMC Israel/Palestine
Nowhere to Hide: Ramsey Clark in Iraq National Coalition to Stop U.S. Intervention in the Middle East
NYC Anit-war Protest/Brazil autoworker story/ Resistance is fertile FSTV
One Million Postcards American Friends Service Committee
Outriders Pamela Yates, Peter Kinoy
Palestine Uprising Peoples Video Network 2000
Part 2: USA INCarcerated Deep Dish TV--America Behind Bars series, along with the Prison Activist Resource part 1 by Luana Plunkett and Neal Morrison
Peace Caucus Programs on Iraq--Dennis J. Halliday: Humanitarian Crisis of Iraq Sanctions Rally--Times Square 3/11/99. [also, Simon Harak--Looking at USA Polic 3
People and the Land, Native Sons: Palestinians in Exile
pt 3: Summer of 1988 / Food Not Bombs
Ralabate Chandra, Kelly
Ralph Nader Campaign Rally (Granny D, LaDuke, Donahue, Michael Moore, Nader)
Reasonable Doubt - Kennedy Assassination
Regret to Inform / Vietnam War Widows 1999
Robot Wars
Rush to Judgement: The Plot to Kill JFK
Sacco & Vanzetti
Saddam's Killing Fields. [also, Abortion: Desperate Choices] Frontline
Savage Acts: Wars, Fairs, and Empire American Social History Productions
Savage Acts: Wars, Fairs, and Empire American Social History Productions
School of Hard Knocks Owens, Oscar
Scott Camil--First-Hand History--VietNam and McNamara CMC, Camil, Scott
Scott Ritter and Others on Iraq, Afghanistan, and War
Search for Common Ground, A: Intifada Through Israeli Eyes
Serpico Lumet, Sidney 1973
Shadow Government, The: The Men Behind the Iran-Contra Scandal 60 Minutes & the Christic Institute
Shaka Sankofa: Biggest Legal Lynching Peoples Video Network
Signing Up: It's Your Choice Soldier, Citizen
Simon Harak--Looking at USA Policy towards Iraq 2/4/99 2
Sparks Fly Out of Control
Springfield Goes to War. [also, Crisis in the Gulf - Kovic, Ellsburg, Sheehan] Frontline with Bill Moyers
Steven Hill (electoral reform), Ronnie Dugger (fusion, etc.)
Stopping the War in the Gulf Ellsberg, Daniel
Student Ghetto Rally (Less than Jake, Mindwalk, Usuals)
Suffering in Iraq: Economic Sanctions--CBS--60 Minutes 5
Suspended Dreams, Going Home