A Book: The Story of Stained Glass, A Riddle Troll, and Fluorescent Pink Hair

Barcode Library status Notes
1027566 Reference only
Zine Subjects
Creators & Publishers
The Writing & Drawing Lab
Physical Description

A book produced by the Writing and Drawing Lab at the Gainesville Public Library. 

The W&D Lab exists "To promote the development of writing and drawing in our community through a diverse blend of hands-on project-based programming that fosters and enables critical thinking, literacy, creativity, self-expression, and self-esteem. 

We believe that the disciplines of writing and drawing empower individuals to gain advanced

learning and problem-solving skills. Our workshops aim to share strategies and techniques

with learners that will expand their thinking and allow them to create their own media."


Creators listed include Lennon, Antonio, Emma, Laura, Eden, Somon, Tyannah, Travis, Maggie, Laura, Lauren, Alyson, Katryna, Sydney, Cara, Laura, Lauren, and Erin. Erin, Travis, Lauren, and Laura were the instructors. The book follows two siblings, Harold and Harriet, on an illustrated journey through a book.