I Hate This Part of Texas #1

Barcode Library status Notes
1025366 Reference only
Zine Subjects
Creators & Publishers
Physical Description
Half-size (5.5"x8.5")

"The title was a line of graffiti the author read at a rest stop in Oklahoma. The zine addresses queer and feminist issues through a number of personal anecdotes. Several issues have addressed Hurricane Katrina, notably Issue #7, which was a split with Keep Loving Keep Fighting #7.

John Gerken was one of the participating zinesters on the Y'erd Me? Zine Tour of the east coast in November of 2002, reading from I Hate This Part of Texas. The selections read from the zine were later documented in the compilation zine Y'erd Me?, which included the work of all the touring zinesters." -- taken from ZineWiki


In the first issue of "I Hate This Part of Texas", John writes about his crackpot ideas after too many cups of coffee; wandering around Ann Arbor; state rivalries; hitchhiking and the ensuing adventures in traveling; work stories; getting a vasectomy; his favorite books; the Oakland train yard; and trainhopping;