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1006830 | Reference only |
split zine. rc is "about confidence, this is about being more & more honest with myself, and with you, and this is all about learning." su is about an addiction to lying, boy's recovery & manhood.
In this issue of Rock Candy, Marie writes more about her own personal thoughts as things come up in her day to day life: apathy; change/transformations; her communication skills; and speaking out against rape, which includes sharing her own rape story. At the end of the zine, Marie and her friend Basil have a discussion about relationships.
Spirals Upward: A very reflective perzine that is made up of other mini-zines that he is done. Basil writes about being a pathological liar and how this has affected how he views himself and all the people around him - whether or not they even know what kind of person he is. A lot of this zine is him focusing on getting out thoughts and emotions that he is barely able to admit to himself, but has to. He also writes about uncertainties he has about his sexual identity, gender identities that our society raises us on, why he makes zines, and more. A very honest zine. There's also a list of zine distros in the Midwest and West.