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1018551 | Reference only |
"Second Guess was a Reno, NV zine published by Bob Conrad during the 1990s. The zine was 8.5" X 12", folded in half, photocopied black and white, and was at the crossroads between being a perzine and punk fanzine. Each issue contained stories from Conrad's life, his thoughts and rants, live music reviews, reader mail and responses, interviews, guest writers, and music and zine reviews. The title Second Guess was a play off the title of another Reno zine Second Chance, which was published by Kevin, the lead singer of the seminal hardcore band 7 Seconds."
People submit the funniest things they have seen or read (which include watching a friend literally eat shit, getting punched in the face in Denmark, stumbling upon home-made porno movies, running into one of the members of GWAR...); Donny the Punk does a well-written piece on male-male sexual assault; zine reviews; and short journal entries by the author.