Sty Zine #20

Barcode Library status Notes
1018506 Reference only
Creators & Publishers
Physical Description

"Sty Zine was first published in 1991 by icki (a.k.a. Mark Murrmann) and Matt Lingenfelter from Indianapolis, Indiana, both in high school at the time.Initially, Sty was a skate zine, with standard zine fare -- except that it always read back to front. By the third issue, icki was the main writer and editor for Sty. Over the years, Sty developed its own style in both writing and design distinguishing it from the bulk of other personal zines on the scene in the 1990s. icki experimented with size and content, sometimes printing the zine on newspaper broadsheets and printing one issue that was 1/8 of an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet, sometimes recruiting other contributors and publishing a review supplement called Shoot the Stars."


This issue has articles about the definition of punk (beyond just music); going to a party; skateboarding; theft, justice, and capitalism; lock picking; a large spread on zine reviews; and an interview with Aaron Cometbus.