
Zine Subjects

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24 zines

Title Other Creator Publisher Keywords Year
14th St. Sta. Found Item
Animal Liberation Movement, The Active Distribution Animal rights movement, speciesism, Jeremy Bentham 2004
Brisk Walk #2 College, Miami, punk community 2004
Centrepiece 2- Roots: Black Ghetto Ecology Racism, White Privilege, economics, Economy, Working Class, Cancer 1986
Chapbook Stick, Duo, ENlifing, Poemblem Marymark Press 2008
Data Dump Marymark Press 2009
Day After, The Marymark Press 2008
Don't Blame Me: I Worked for Dean Howard Dean, campaigning 2004
Down; #2 Piotrowski, Eric S. Feminism, Sexism, East Timor, public housing, Kurt Vonnegut, pirate radio, New College 1998
Experimental Theater Piece Marymark Press poems, experimental, hieroglyphics, Marymark Press 2002
Finish poetry, collage, oddball 2004
Florida Radical Activist Networking Zine Florida, community, food not bombs 1999
Fred the Clown comics, humor comics, clowns, humor 1998
How I Spent My Winter Vacation 2010
Independent Small Pub. Marymark Press 2002
kick stand kick stand #2 Autobiography, personal narrative, perzine, story 1999
Let's Hang Out And Put Our Hands On Pretty Much Everything collaborative, explorative 2008
little apocalypses Personal writings, punk rock, gender, Florida, bicycles, Pensacola 2004
Lyrical Descents of Phil Collins Inferno, The genesis, phil collins, dantes inferno 1300
Memoirs of a Queer Hapa #1 asian, queer, identity, race discrimination, sexual identity, pacific islander
Memoirs of Ibid Photography, poetry, Art, stories, personal 2005
Rain that Fell Last Night Made Me Fall in Love with You, The #8 homelessness
Short Story
Sparkly Kitty Stickers #2 riot girl