
Zine Subjects

Color Theme


16 zines

Title Other Creator Publisher Keywords Year
Animal Liberation Movement, The Active Distribution Animal rights movement, speciesism, Jeremy Bentham 2004
At the Crossroads...; #3 Murphy, Travis Anti-Militarism, food not bombs, vegetable gun 1995
Centrepiece 2- Roots: Black Ghetto Ecology Racism, White Privilege, economics, Economy, Working Class, Cancer 1986
Chechel Angel 2003
Fred the Clown comics, humor comics, clowns, humor 1998
Infinite Onion 1997
Love + Liberation #3 Prison System, Animal liberation, anarchism, political prisoner support, Myanmar 1997
Love + Liberation #5 anarchism, activism how-to, anti-capitalism, political prisoner support 1997
Lyrical Descents of Phil Collins Inferno, The genesis, phil collins, dantes inferno 1300
Secret Files of Captain Sissy #4, The unions, punk subculture, Columbine 2001
Secret Files of Captain Sissy #2, The Feminism, poetry, Art, architecture, masturbation, writing, zines, high school, gender issues, perzine, punk rock dream, prom, mid-90s, youth of america, tobacco industry 1997
SideTracked #4 disability, youth, handicapped, emotions, zine reviews, distro, 1995, summer camp, kleptomania, nudity, Wally Pleasant 1995
SideTracked #5
SideTracked #6 1996
Space for Machines #1
Space for Machines #3 Science, architecture, Illinois, communication, universe, 1960s, Frank Drake, aliens, ballet, dance, binary code, human species, Margaret Erlanger, Jack Sherman Baker, University of Illinois, building a house, contact, intersecting lives, Ozma project