
Zine Subjects

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26 zines

Title Other Creator Publisher Keywords Year
10-20-Life...Letters from the cage Prisoner Letter, abolition, incarceration 2000
Accidentals, The: Bootleg #1 Small Press Syndicate 1999
Agitprop Vol. 2: Civil Disobedience protests, activism how-to, police brutality, dumpster diving
Agitprop Volume 3: Anti War anti-war, Fascism, wheatpaste
Defeated By Maryland hiking, Appalachian Trail 2008
Eaves of Ass; #2
Fucktooth #22 Punk, sexuality, Relationships, non-monogamy 1997
i cried the day joe strummer died 3 perzine 2002
Indy Unleashed #11 2001
Indy Unleashed 12 2002
Indy Unleashed 8 1999
Indy Unleashed 9 2000
Infecticitis #5 2006
Infecticitis #5 2006
Infecticitis #8 hitchhiking, bike touring, backpacking, existentialism 2009
K Composite #4 K Composite satire, Interviews, jokes
Lattitude Zine Really Free Press 2008
Life After Genetown: The Science, Politics, and Culture of Biotechnology biotechnology, anti-biotechnology, environmental activism, politics, environmental science 2000
Lose #2 band interview, short fiction, music reviews
Lysistrata #1: Reclaim Yourself Reproductive Rights, Feminism, birth control, gender 1992
Mumia Speaks from Death Row interview, death row, Mumia Abu-Jamal 1995
Scene not Seen #2 "Prisons" herbal remedies, prison systems 1994
Scrag #26
Security Culture: an interactive sock puppet farce Insurgent Theatre, Columbus Anarchist Black Cross Columbus Anarchist Black Cross (CABC) workshops, Columbus, Ohio, Anarchist Black Cross, Skit, Sock Puppet Theatre 2010
Ten Page News, The #29 Owen Thomas/ Colombus, OH technology, conference, zine review 2001
This Place is Weird Art, abstract art, collage, Collage art, performance art 1998