
Zine Subjects

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39 zines

Title Other Creator Publisher Keywords Year
Archive #2 folklore, Rwanda, Utah Phillips 2001
Axe Factory 2005
Bits & Pieces; #1 humor 1994
Cheshire 1996
Chickpea; #1
Crude Noise; #2
Cyberpunk Apocalypse; Issue 1: An Intelletual Property 6 Gallery Press
Erratic Confusion #1
Erratic Confusion #2 Punk, hardcore
Here Be Dragons #6 political, invasive plants, landlords 1999
How Fast it All Blows Up: Some Lessons from the 2001 Cincinnati Riots One Thousand Emotions anarchism, autonomy, direct action, anti-authoritarian, Afro-American studies, POC 2001
Ker-bloom! #71 Artnoose letterpress, moving 2008
Ker-bloom! #76 Artnoose letters, touring, letterpress, moving, biking 2009
Ker-bloom! #77 Artnoose letterpress, riot grrrl 2009
Ker-bloom! #78 Artnoose letterpress 2009
Ker-bloom! #83 Artnoose letterpress 2010
Ker-bloom! #84 Artnoose letterpress 2010
Ker-bloom! #85 Artnoose letterpress 2010
Ker-bloom! #86 Artnoose letterpress 2010
Ker-Bloom! issue 100 Artnoose Zine, metazine, motherhood 2013
Leeking Ink #22 international travel, travel journal, perzine, England, United Kingdom 2000
Megabeef #7 2001
Miner Conflicts...Major Contradictions BM Blob- republished in 2006 by One Thousand Emotions Labor, historic strikes, british miners' strike 1984-1985, british trade unionism, Britain 1984
Motion Sickness #10 G. Philips
Motion Sickness #11 G. Phillips DIY music, Interviews, newsprint, Rock and Roll, punk rock, glued spine, underground publishing conference, zine reviews 2000
My Moon or More Human Development, depression, sexuality
Nosedive #11 anthology, portland, squat, squatting, New Orleans, nonfiction, Art 2001
Passion Fruit: Anti-Authoritarian (Con)Sensuous Games consent, Bisexual, gay sex, polyamory, polyamoury, ethical nonmonogamy, open relationships, sexuality, sensuality, sexual freedom 2005
Shoddy Goods #2: Even Punks Gotta Eat! Punk, community, Chinese food, eating, ramen, grocery store reviews, restaurant reviews 1995
Shoddy Goods #3: Class Consciousness Welfare, Punk 1995
Slow Leek #13 1997
Slow Leek #18 Leeking Ink short stories, personal, Davida Breier 1998
Slumber Zine #8: now with baking soda!
Southern Fried Darling #7 riot grrrl 1995
Stark Raving #3 1998
Stuff #12 2000
Supermonster Twelve
Tales From the Circle Pit #3 Punk
War on Misery #2 Autumn 2006