
Zine Subjects

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20 zines

Title Other Creator Publisher Keywords Year
#metoo #metoo, sexual violence, activism, Feminism, Sexual Harassment 2018
A Declaration of Personal Autonomy: A Zine About the 2018 Florida Constitutional Revision Commission Abortion, Abortion Rights, Florida, Legislation, activism, planned parenthood, privacy, Right To Privacy Civil Liberties 2018
Against the Engineering of Life Venemous Butterfly Publications GMOs, biotechnology, Rene Riesel, Jose Bove, Farmers Confederation
Cutlass; #3
Fat? So!; #4 sizeism, fat acceptance
Five Ways to Fight Abortion Laws in Your State Abortion, Abortion Rights, American Politics, Feminism
Flatter! #6 Music, Japan, Judaism, Relationships, feminsim
Fulgurites lightning, Nature, natural environment 2018
Highlighting Crisis Pregnancy Centers in the Sunshine State Abortion, Abortion Rights, planned parenthood, Florida, Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, clinic, health, health care 2002
Libel #15/Spirals Upward #2 riot girl, vegetarian, veganism, food ethics, gender, Feminism
Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned #3 9/11, war, Conspiracy, pentagon, twin towers
Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned #2 9/11, Native Americans, Oil, war, Conspiracy, Henry Kissinger 2003
Neuter Baby: People Could Learn to Love It community, child-rearing, communal living, Family, Psychology, parenting, death, life
Riot Grrrl community, Sexism, sexuality, riot grrrl, female mutilation
Road Show 1998
Senior Art Gallery #2 community, teaching, special education, subbing, substitute
Sinmaestros: History and Analysis of Lucia Sanchez Saornil Spanish Civil War, Lucia Sanchez Saornil, Feminism, Biography, anarchism 2016
Sister Calico gender identity, herbal healing, herbal abortion
Sum of Our Parts #1 Hetelson, Chelsea , Kite, Meredith, Vincent, Kendra Gainesville Women's Liberation 2013
Trashbugs bugs, lacewings, life cycle, drawings, Environment, insects 2018