Karl Marx Frederick Engels, Collected Works: Vol. 21, Marx and Engels 1867-1870

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International Publishers New York
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Volume 21 contains works by Marx and Engels written between November 1867 and Mid-July 1870. These include primarily material relating to the International Working Men's Association-- documents, reports, pamphlets, articles, statements, records of speeches, and outlines-- during this crucial period of consolidation of this first international working-class organization and its efforts to work socialist principles into its programme. The volume comprises 54 works by Marx and Engels, eight of which are appearing in English for the first time, including Marx's "Statement to the German Workers' Educational Society in London", Engels' biographical article "Karl Marx", and the plan of the second chapter of his History of Ireland. The Appendices include eight articles on the Irish question by Jenny Marx, Marx's daughter, published in the French left republican daily newspaper La Marsiellaise. Three documents in this section are published in English for the first time, among them WIlhelm Eichoff's The International Working Men's Association. Its Establishment, Organization, Political and Social Activity, and Growth, written with the direct participation of Marx.