Marx, Karl

Primary creator references

Displaying 1 - 20 of 76
Title Type Section
18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, The Item: Book European Studies
Capital, Vol.1 A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production Item: Book Economics and Business
Civil War in the United States, The Item: Book U.S. Studies
Class Struggle in France: 1848-1850 Item: Book European Studies
Communist Manifesto, The Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Communist Manifesto, The: A Road Map to History's Most Important Political Document Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Critique of Gotha Programme Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, the Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
German Ideology, The Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Grundrisse Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Grundrisse, The Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Selected Works Volume 3 Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works: Vol. 10 Marx and Engels 1849-1851 Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works: Volume 3,1833-1844 Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works: Volume 4, Marx and Engels 1844-1845 Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works: Volume 5, Marx and Engels 1845-1847 Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works: Volume 6, Marx and Engels 1845-1848 Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works: Volume 7, Marx and Engels 1848 Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works: Volume 9, Marx and Engels 1849 Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels: Selected Works Volume 2 Item: Book Philosophy and Political Theory

Other creator references