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Volume 22 of the Collected Works contains works and articles Marx and Engels wrote between the second half of July 1870 and late October 1871. Most of the works, articles, statements, and letters sent by Marx and Engels to newspapers, are directly connected with their guidance of the International.
The First and Second Addresses of the General Council of the International Working Men's Association on the Franco-Prussian War included in the volume, were official documents of the International and outlined a comprehensive solution of both national and international problems facing the proletariat at the time. Much space is accorded to Engels' articles on the Franco-Prussian War of 1970-1871 published by The Pall mall Gazette in London. Written in the form of separate military surveys, they are closely interconnected and form a single series. For this reason, these articles are published here as a separate work under the general title "Notes on the War", a title given to most of the articles of the series by the author himself. The Civil War in France, a fundamental work of scientific communism written as an address of the General Council to all the members of the International in Europe and the United States, occupies central place in the volume. Also included are the First Draft and the Second Draft of The Civil War In France that have independent value from the theoretical point of view. The volume includes documents of the 1971 London Conference of the International-- speeches made by Marx and Engels, and draft resolutions for the conference written by them and endorsed by the General Council. The Appendices include records of speeches made by Marx and Engels at the General Counsil meetings, the newspaper reports of some of these speeches and the records of their speeches at the London Conference of the International. The volume contains 82 works by Marx and Engels, of which 17 are published in English for the first time.