
359 videos

Title Director Other creator Producer Keywords Year
Cambodia: Return to Year Zero John Pilger, David Munro
Canadian Bacon Moore, Michael
Cancel Cassini Demo Cape Canaveral / Beyond the Limits of Growth Meadows, Dennis (M.I.T.) nuclear power, sustainable development, resources, space, satellite, growth
Cascadia Rising - Pump Up the Volume
Cassini Project--March with Civil Disobedience / 60 Minutes program 60 Minutes nuclear power, space, satellite 10
Catch-22. (also Thrills and Laughter and Monkey Business.)
Cement Plant Blues: the Fight for Clean Air in Alachua County, Florida environmental activism, cement plant
Chalk Spurlock, Morgan public education, american education system 2007
Child Care Union Project news, public
China Blue Director Micha Peled 2005
Christ-The Movie Duffield, Mick Punk, Crass
Cities - Reinventing the World (Series) Bullfrog Films 2002
Citizens to Preserve Flroida Global Warming Education Project Florman, Carole
Civil Rights Movement: Past, Present, and Future, The Ortiz, Paul 2009
Clash, The: Rude Boy White, Michael 2006
Clinton Town Meeting on Race / Frontline documentary on the Gulf War Illness 12
Color My World 1998
Congressional Black Caucus: Conference on Terrorism, Prisons - 9.25.01 Congressional Black Caucus
Contras on Campus at UF--first segment / Dear America--Letter from Vietnam Contras, Vietnam War
Conversation on Death Row with Mumia Abu-Jamal and J. Christoph Arnold, A prison, death row, political repression, Mumia Abu-Jamal 1996
Conversation on the Civil Rights Movement with James Forman and pete Seeger, A Forman, James 4
Corrections: A Documentary Hudson, Jonas & Hunt, Ashley Race, Racism, social justice, Criminal Justice, Prisons, private prisons 2001
Cove Mallard / Defending the Big Wild Cold Mountain, Cold Rivers
Cove, The dolphin 2009
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret Industrial agricultire 2014
CPUSA--History's Challenge
Crips and Bloods: Made in America Stacy Peralta Baron Davis Los Angeles, Gangs 2009
Crips and Bloods: Made in America Stacy Peralta Baron Davis Los Angeles, Gangs 2009
Critical Resistance: Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex. part 1: Visions of Freedom. Part 2: USA INCarcerated Deep Dish TV--America Behind Bars series, along with the Prison Activist Resource part 1 by Luana Plunkett and Neal Morrison
Crude Impact: It's Worse Than You Think...But It's Not Too Late Planet, Grinning 2006
Cry at the End of the 20th Century
CSA: The Confederate States of America Wilmott, Kevin, dir. 2003
Culture Jamming - Environmental Music Videos
d Headwaters Action Video Collective pepper spray, non-violent civil disobedience, pain compliance 1999
D.I.Y. or Die Dean, Michael
Danger Downwind: The Toxics - Burning Cement Plants of North Texas Labor Movement, Environment, gentrification, redwood, trees, Gap, Fisher family, rainforests, environmental movement
Danger Downwind: The Toxics - Burning Cement Plants of North Texas HCA, Inc.
Danger Downwind: The Toxics - Burning Cement Plants of North Texas (without ABC Reports) HCA, Inc.
Danger Downwind: The Toxics - Burning Cement Plants of North Texas (with ABC Reports) HCA, Inc.
Dare Not Walk Alone Dean, Jeremy Stephen Cobb & Richard Mergner 2008
Darwin's Nightmare Sauper, Hubert 2004
Deadly Corn
Democracy Digest: A Memorial Service for Stanley "Tookie" Williams Democracy Digest 2005
Democracy Digest: On the Road to a Just Society - Gathering for a Positive Future 2006
Democracy Digest: The 2nd Annual San Diego Area Earth Charter Community Summit Democracy Digest 2007
Democracy Digest: From War to Earth Democracy Democracy Digest 2006
Democracy Digest: Icons of the Green Movement Democracy Digest 2005
Division:1:1:Contraband Tactical Media DVD Magazine political shorts
Dream From Darkness to Light: Life Takes A Man Through Changes Byrd Jr., James Lee Independent Film