
482 videos

Title Director Other creator Producer Keywords Year
Democracy Now: Protest in Italy Democracy Now
Democracy Now: Rosenbergs 50th Aniv. Democracy Now
Democracy Now: The Last Zapatistas Democracy Now
Democracy Now: Voices of the Amazon Democracy Now
Democracy University: Cornell West, Howard Zinn, Ken Kesey, Amy Goodman Vision, Justice 2001
Democracy University: Noam Chomsky, Michael Parenti, Howard Zinn, Ralph Nader Vision, Justice 2001
Democracy University: Volume 51 Vision, Justice Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Vandana Shiva, Dennis Kunich, Greg Palst, Scott Ritter
Division:1:1:Contraband Tactical Media DVD Magazine political shorts
Dream From Darkness to Light: Life Takes A Man Through Changes Byrd Jr., James Lee Independent Film
Dreamworlds 3: Desire, Sex, and Power in Music Video Jhally, Sut 2007
Dyke TV Deep Dish; 6/13/02 Democracy Now
Earth Day - Washington Rally on CSPAN (1990) CSPAN 1990
Earth to America TBS
East Timor & Indonesia Noam Chomsky on 3 lectures
Eating Alaska Frankenstein, Ellen 2009
El Mariachi
Elections Forum 2000 Lois Frankl & Kendrick Meek et al.
Emperor Wears No Clothes, The / Billion Dollar Crop Herer, Jack hemp/marijuana documentary
Encounter Point Avni, Ronit, Bacha, Julia 2006
End of Surburbia, The: Oil Depletion and the End of the American Dream Greene, Gregory Silverthorn, Barry 2004
END:CIV--Resist or Die Franklin Lopez resistance, Environment, direct action, ecological collapse, industrial collapse, economic collapse, ecocide, indigenous resistance
Enviro. Close-Up, Books Not Bars, Dem. Now Democracy Now
Environmentalists Under Fire: 10 Urgent Cases of Human Rights Abuses Sierra Club, Amnesty International 2000
Escape from Surburbia Greene, Greg
Everything's Cool Gold, Daniel B. 2007
Experiencing the Darkness--Oral History Panel--My Lai Conference Fertel, Randy
F.S.T.V 7/18/02 Democracy Now China, Columbia, Democracy Now, cartoons, Defense Monitor, Fr. Roy Bourgeois, School of the Americas, Media That Matters Filmfest, Youth vs. Media, Billboard Alteration, Getting Away With Murder, Corporate Crime 2002
F.S.T.V. #21 2002
F.S.T.V. #25
F.S.T.V. (NYC Afghanistan trip; WEF, Palestinians) Democracy Now Middle East, Afghanistan, Palestine, Noam Chomsky, palestinians
F.S.T.V. (Propaganda in Advertisement) Democracy Now Propaganda in Advertisement 2002
F.S.T.V. 1/18/02 Democracy Now Terrorism, discrimination, Afghanistan, Enron, Philippines, Guns, Tibet, Israel, Ireland, racial profiling, bombs, Palestinian, FAIR 2002
F.S.T.V. 1/23/02 Democracy Now capitalism, Tibet, Democracy Now, World in Crisis, Latino Culture in America, Packing Heat, America's Defense Monitor 2002
F.S.T.V. 1/3/02 Democracy Now Terrorism, Afghanistan, Corporations, gay, Monsanto, Phillip Berrigan 2002
F.S.T.V. 11/26/01; Democracy Now & Chomsky Democracy Now war, politics, investigation, WTO, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Noam Chomsky, Just Solutions, War and Peace Report, Street Report, Showdown in Seattle: 5 Days That Shook the WTO 2001
F.S.T.V. 12/18/01 Democracy Now Abortion, al-Qaeda, Somalia, Democracy Now! In Exile, War in Peace Report, Haiti coup attempt, Another World Is Possible, Jeremy Glick, Jee Kim, U.S. Policy In the Middle East, Cornell West, progressive politics, Jane: An Abortion Service, Da Bomb Mad Media War, All I See Is What I Know, Indian Cars, Sex: Say Know To It teens on sex, Clay Pride: Being Clay in America, growing up gay 2001
F.S.T.V. 12/26/01; F.S.T.V. 12/27/01 Democracy Now Race, war, peace, gender, Reclaim the Streets, women in movies, Thailand, Manifastoon, Amy Goodman, NATO, bombing the Balkans, journalists of color, showdown in Seattle 2001
F.S.T.V. 12/8/01 Democracy Now Ecuador, capitalism, media, venus project, Terminator Seed, eco-crisis, gnenetic altered food, Quebec Protest, Breaking the Bank, Choco, Forests of Guenerro 2002
F.S.T.V. 2/11/02 Democracy Now Immigration, Abuse, India, unions, Women, Indonesia, lesbians, Star Wars, uranium mining 2002
F.S.T.V. 2/12/02 Democracy Now capital punishment, Enron, Texas, Dyke TV, Toxic Waste, border issues, media in wartime, depleted uranium, Tulia, TX, drug bust 2002
F.S.T.V. 2/19/02 Democracy Now Immigration, Yugoslavia, media, venus project, Time Frenzy, future visions, Columbia Media Project, drug war, farm labor, military support of dictators 2002
F.S.T.V. 2/20/02 Democracy Now Afghanistan, FSTV News, Pickaxe, King, Cornel, West, Blackhawk Down, pollution in Delaware, Defense Monitor, arming dictators, lesbian marriage, Tongues Untied, Seattle protest, Prague Protest, Latino punk 2002
F.S.T.V. 2/28/02 Democracy Now Feminism, capitalism, Afghanistan, dick gregory, military, media, Democracy Now, FSTV News, Amy Goodman, Defense Monitor, Zapatista 2001 march to Mexico City, South Africa view, WB-IMF A16 Protest, Sarah's Daughters, Norplant, Yesn Gvul, Hollywood 2002
F.S.T.V. 2/6/02 Democracy Now drugs, George W. Bush, military, Enron, Pakistan, media, Political Correctness, alcohol, America's Defense Monitor, FSTV, Seeds of War, An Unholy Alliance, Gay News 2002
F.S.T.V. 3/2/02 Democracy Now media, Kurds, CNN News Report on Gainesville Nader Supporters, Fear and Favor in Newsroom, Ad and Ego, Flight of the Stone, Old Growth Defense in Washington state, Cape Breton oil drilling protest, Santiago Alvarez 2002
F.S.T.V. 3/6/02 Democracy Now 2002
F.S.T.V. 3/7/02 Democracy Now 2002
F.S.T.V. 3/7/02 Democracy Now Feminism, Amy Goodman, international law, NOW, National Organization of Women, Natsu Saito 2002
F.S.T.V. 8/27/02 Democracy Now death row, Michael Moore, Democracy Now, Ramsey Clarke, Lt. Col. Daniel Lapin, Independent Network News, New York Closing the Open Door, In Whose Honor, Daniel Ellsburg, Secrets, Donahue 2002
F.S.T.V. 8/9/02 Democracy Now Brazil, Indonesia, Iraq, women in prison, Democracy Now, Cheney Protest in San Francisco, IMF loans, Dyke TV, Termite TV, Schuylkill River, Pickaxe, Terminator Seed, Fatal Deception, Singapore Women and Education, Democracy in Crisis 2002