
Zine Subjects

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22 zines

Title Other Creator Publisher Keywords Year
30 Revolutions (A Film) trippy
Do It Yourself! Riot Grrrl Feminism, DIY, anti-sexism, queer community, Anti-Copyright
Dung Beetle; #2, The
Dung Beetle; #3, The
Fuck Shit Up Florida, Music, songs, oddball, radical cheerleading
Fucktooth #23 Punk, San Francisco, bay area, maximum rock n roll 1998
Fucktooth #24/Spectacle #5 Small Publishers Co-op technology, Animal Rights, biotechnology, luddites 1999
In the Trenches... prisoner support 1999
Laundry Basket: Tales of Washday Woe 2002
Low Hug #5/6 radio, music radio, travis fristoe 2001
Low Hug #7 9/11, America, History, Terrorism, tragedies 2002
Low Hug Issue #4 Low Hug Productions alternative music, music reviews, reviews, television, zine reviews 2000
Muddle #7 band interview, music reviews, record reviews, columns, punk comics, punk community, Jawbreaker, Egghead, Weston, Buglite, Plow United, Greensleep
Muddle #8 DavE Thirsty punk bands, fanzine, band reviews, music reviews, CIV, Sicko, Copper, Garden Variety, Mind Over Matter, Texas Is The Reason 1996
Quarantine #2: Prisoners of War Human Rights, Affirmative Action, Nigeria, Body Image, riot grrrl
So To Speak, zine distro
speaking phairly revisited: growing up with the music of liz phair
Substitute Chronicles #2 Education, teaching, substitute 1999
Substitute Chronicles, The #1 Education, teaching, substitute 1998
Substitute Chronicles, The #3 Education, teaching, substitute 1999
Substitute Chronicles, The #4 Education, teaching, substitute 1999
Substitute Chronicles, The #5 Education, teaching, substitute 1999