
Zine Subjects

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21 zines

Title Other Creator Publisher Keywords Year
Brushfire! #1 community, veganism, food not bombs 2008
Brushfire! #3; January 2008 Everglades, Earth First!, Food Not Boms, Veronza Bowers 2008
Deadbeat, a Zine for the Socially Challenged; #1 jerry springer, Blink 182, Less Than Jake
DIY Supplement tofu, patches, rice mik, soap making 1997
DIY; An A-Z Guide to Doing-It-Yourself... bombs, zines, silkscreening, herbal abortion, bicycle maintenance, wheatpaste, automobile maintenance, instrument repair
Florida's Incredible Wild Edibles Florida Native Plant Society recipes, foraging, native plants, sustainablility 1993
Fucktooth #23 Punk, San Francisco, bay area, maximum rock n roll 1998
Fucktooth #24/Spectacle #5 Small Publishers Co-op technology, Animal Rights, biotechnology, luddites 1999
Inner Swine, The Volume 16, Issue 1/2 2010
Inner Swine, Volume 12, Issue 2 Somers, Jeffrey 2007
KNEE- Kids Network for Empowerment and Education N/A 1998
Manic Panic plump not pregnant comix 1993
neckmonster #6 perzine, cross country travel, Anthropology, Indigenous people 2004
Praxis anarchism, direct action, Zapatistas, anti-racist, Non-Corporate Media, Womyn's Liberation
Slutkissgirl #1 Toad Loaf Productions Feminism, Dreams, Stereotypes, riot grrrl, vampires, The Lost Boys, dream dictionary, lollipalooza
Slutkissgirl #2 testosterone, toys
Slutkissgirl #3 popular culture, Abortion, female body image
Slutkissgirl #4 A Boy Magnet Publication Feminism, movies, Spirituality, reviews, zines, mid 90s, Bowling Green, Ohio, alligator, synth-pop, 80s metal
Socially Fucking Retarded #1 killzine, zine culture, zine gossip
Sounds of a Democratic Society food not bombs 2011
Sounds of a Democratic Society 2011