
1713 periodicals

Title Editor Other creator ISSN Keywords
Communist Party, The
Communist Program: Organ of the International Communist Party 0033037X
Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living 01999346 Sustainability, cooperative living
Community Alliance for Peace Education
Community Guidebook
Community News: sg North Florida's lesbian/gay/bi community coast to coast
Community Ties: The Monthly Newsletter of the Gainesville Community Alliance (GCA)
Compassion: A Journal of Falun Dafa Around the World
Compassion and Choices,
Compassionate Living
Confluence: Politics, Environment, Labor, Art, Social Justice, Science, History, Urban Affairs, social justice, environmental justice, Missouri
Connect: a magazine by & for Facing History students
Connect - to the Fight Against Discrimination & Racism Racism, discrimination, anti-racist
Connection: The Campus Newsletter for Environmental Projects
Connections: Making Media Make a Difference
Conscience Canada
Conscience: Newsjournal of Catholic Opinion O'Brien, Jon ed. 07406835 religion, AIDS, birth control, prochoice
Conservation: In Practice (formerly Conservation Biology: In Practice) Conservation, biology
Conservative Chronicle 00887403
Consortium, The
Constitutional American Weekly, The
Consumer Digest
Contragate Alert Central America, US intervention
Convergence: The Christic Institute
Cop Watch Report
Cornell Chronicle
Council Quarterly, The: North Central Florida Hearlth Planning Council
Counter Information Europe, radical activism
Counterpoise: For Social Responsibilities, Liberty & Dissent Willett, Charles ed radical politics, reviews, library issues, libranianship, alternative press, independent press
CounterPunch St. Clair, Jeffrey 10862323
Country Chronicle
Country Women
Coup d'Etat
Covert Action Information Bulletin - see Covert Action Quarterly
Covert Action Quarterly (formerly Covert Action Bulletin) 10677232 war, politics
CR Corporate Responsibility Magazine 1933-5903
Crane, The Alachua Audubon Society
Creeping Fascism Chomsky, Noam, KaKu, Mishio, Horn, Gerald, Bennis, Fascism
Criminal Legal News
Crisis, The: Speaking Truth to Power NAACP, 00111422
Critical Moment
Crones' Cradle Conserve (CCC) CROONS
Cross-Talk: The Gender Community's News & Information Monthly 10706852
CrossRoads: Contemporary Political Analysis & Left Dialogue 10510575