
Zine Subjects

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39 zines

Title Other Creator Publisher Keywords Year
#metoo #metoo, sexual violence, activism, Feminism, Sexual Harassment 2018
America? 11: Thanks, Jerks
Bear with Me #1 2012
Flotation Device 10 journal entries, Costa Rica, international travel, cumbia 2002
Go For Broke #2: Klimbing Kilimanjaro Africa, Tanzania, Cancer, mountain climbing, Kilimanjaro 2010
Here's Where it Started 2004
I would throw stones too. Palestine
It's Curtains #2
Like a bowling ball through the door: a personal anthology part two Music, personal narrative, fest, humor, cross country travel
Loitering is Good #12 political cartoons, Punk, personal narrative 2006
loserdom no ten
Mandatory Prayer: The Art of Idolatry religion, Feminism, Racism, America, society, Relationships, narrative
Maneki religion, Japan, Homosexuality 1997
Manual Resistance #13 Anarchopunk, perzine, working class struggles, american labor
Media Disease Society Animal Rights, environmental activism, perzine
My Views Change Over Time
Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned #2 9/11, Native Americans, Oil, war, Conspiracy, Henry Kissinger 2003
Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned #3 9/11, war, Conspiracy, pentagon, twin towers
New Clear Scenery: No Power for the Little People #4 war, anti-war, political, Gainesville, collage
Node Pajomo community, communication, mail 2010
Our Bodies. Ourselves. we do not exist for you. A. Lance local, student, University of Florida, Gainesville, planned parenthood
Riot Grrrl community, Sexism, sexuality, riot grrrl, female mutilation
Salamander #1 1994
Scenery #10
scenery #5
Seek #2 1990
Sheer to Waist natural birth control
Sinmaestros: History and Analysis of Lucia Sanchez Saornil Spanish Civil War, Lucia Sanchez Saornil, Feminism, Biography, anarchism 2016
Space for Machines #2 Illinois, Radiohead, david lynch
star Z #1
Sty Zine #27 1998
Sum of Our Parts #1 Hetelson, Chelsea , Kite, Meredith, Vincent, Kendra Gainesville Women's Liberation 2013
Thomasina poetry, stories, perzine
Time Has Aged Us All #1 poetry, Gainesville, personal
women's self defense: stories and strategies for survival #2 2003
Yard Wide Yarns #1 Tasty Mailorder 1993
Yard Wide Yarns #2 Tasty Mailorder local, perzines, Gainesville, Personal Stories, Parties, gender, misogyny 1994
Yard Wide Yarns #7 Punk, marriage, riot grrrl, book reviews, humorous
Zero to Anarchist In 1.2 Seconds Savage River ABC lgbtq prisoners, prison abolition, prison activism, anarchist, Anarchist Black Cross, activism 2008