
Zine Subjects

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43 zines

Title Other Creator Publisher Keywords Year
Blisters On My Feet hitchhiking, train hopping 2007
Brisk Walk #2 College, Miami, punk community 2004
Chickenhead Zine and Roll; #3
Chickenhead Zine and Roll; #5
Class Socialization and Public Schools: An Analysis of a Richmond Public School History Textbook 325 Publishing Education, textbooks, socialization. public schools
Complete Control #10 2002
Complete Control #11 2003
Complete Control 4 1999
Complete Control 5 1999
Complete Control 8/ Teenage Death Songs 2001
Complete Control; #2 Richmond
Complete Control; 7 Richmond, Monroe Park Tent City 2000
Complete Control; 8 Collectives. Richmond
Down; #2 Piotrowski, Eric S. Feminism, Sexism, East Timor, public housing, Kurt Vonnegut, pirate radio, New College 1998
Earth Sucks 2007
False Promises: Debunking Nuclear Industry Propaganda Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Florida Radical Activist Networking Zine Florida, community, food not bombs 1999
Flotation Device 10 journal entries, Costa Rica, international travel, cumbia 2002
Freak #1
Freak #2 1995
Here it is #3 comics, Autobiography, personal narratives, travel, Gainesville, Punk, joey brenner
How2 Zine #2
lioness riot grrrl, Animal Rights, personal narrative, Art, recipes, veganism
little apocalypses Personal writings, punk rock, gender, Florida, bicycles, Pensacola 2004
livingProof #3 interview, novella, selling out, consumer culture, fiction 2004
livingProof #5 Music, friendship 2007
Loitering is Good #12 political cartoons, Punk, personal narrative 2006
Low Hug #5/6 radio, music radio, travis fristoe 2001
Memoirs of a Queer Hapa #1 asian, queer, identity, race discrimination, sexual identity, pacific islander
Memoirs of Ibid Photography, poetry, Art, stories, personal 2005
Minus Times, The no 22 Drag City Records anthologies, written and visual art, Interviews, compilation zines 1997
Paralyzed Veterans of America (Eastern); second edition 1994
Pulled Mints
Richmond Zines Richmond queer activism punk 1995
rock candy / spirals upward split zine
Slug & Lettuce community, anti-authority, punk ethic, anarcho-punk 2001
Slug & Lettuce #76 community, anti-authority, punk ethic, anarcho-punk 2003
Slug & Lettuce #81 community, anti-authority, punk ethic, anarcho-punk 2004
Slug & Lettuce #82 community, anti-authority, punk ethic, anarcho-punk 2005
Space for Machines #2 Illinois, Radiohead, david lynch
teenage death songs/tbftgog5
These Are The Days #3 personal, drawings 2001
women's self defense: stories and strategies for survival #2 2003